A new edition of the Garden-in-Movies is coming, the Film Festival born in 2017 as part of the International Festival of Landscape Radicepura Garden Festival (Giarre, Catania).
The Film Festival takes place in summer, during the first weekend in August, at the evocative Radicepura Park, transformed for three days in an open-air botanical sitting room and a movie theater under the stars at the foot of Etna, embellished by the smells and scents of the plants in the park.
The Garden-in-Movies is determined to grow, by proposing movie novelties, identifying new talents and promoting unreleased and experimental works. So, starting from the second edition, the Festival launches the Garden-in-Movies/ShortFilmFest, international short film competition, in agreement with the founding spirit of the main Film Festival.
The Garden-in-Movies, created and directed by journalist and film critic Ornella Sgroi and organized by the Radicepura Foundation, aims at enhancing, through Cinema, nature, landscape, ecology and environment as a driving force of development and contamination, in an all-round vision that goes beyond the narrow concept of “garden”. According this vision, the international short film competition Garden-in-Movies/ShortFilmFest is targeted at all those works in which, through the language of cinema, the “garden” becomes a metaphor for every place, context, dynamic, relationship able to cultivate and develop cultural, political, social and artistic values.
Regulations and entry-form are on line and the deadline for entry is June 20, 2018.
A shortlist of finalist works will be screened at the II edition of Garden-in-Movies (3-4-5 August 2018) and the prizes will be awarded by an Expert and an Audience Jury.
The Garden-in-Movies/ShortFilmFest, international short film competition, will be part of three days of screenings, meetings and conversations that are the heart of Garden-in-Movies, starting with the programming of three feature films exploring the culture and the Mediterranean essence through the power of the roots. These are the inspiring themes of the exhibition, which correspond to the three sections that distinguish it from the first edition: “Roots”, “Mediterranean essence ” and “Beyond the garden”.