Sound Labyrinth – Listen to Water, Fire, Voice, Earth and Air is a sound installation, both playful and interactive, conceived and created by Stefano Zorzanello. The four sounding sculptures-machines placed at the four corners of the labyrinth explore the ability to produce sound from four natural elements. Each sound is transported to a different location in the labyrinth by speaking tube, the old communication system used on ships for verbal communication. The game continues by discovering which speaking tube will be linked to each element sound. The Sound Labyrinth is also a musical composition of an indeterminate nature, in which the timbre of strings, wind instruments, percussions and electronics are present, and where performance is entrusted to the visitors and to the natural elements at play.
Phon(e)tain (2019): Fountain in stainless steel, digital sound processing, contact microphones am- plification and vibration speakers, object for visitors to use
Eliolira (2019): Various metals, solar-powered motor, microcontroller, contact microphones, ampli- fier and vibration speakers, object for visitors to use
Piccolo Terremoto Portatile (2019) (Small portable earthquake): Wooden construction boarding panels, neodymium super-magnet, tempered glass, stones, metal spheres, contact microphones, amplifier and speakers, handles and rope for the visitors to use
Fiati Sospesi (2019) (Withheld breaths): Corrugated tubes, single reed instruments, hand crank system and air pump for the visitors to use
Portavoce (2019) (Speaking tube): Voice and sound transmission system based on a PVC tube, aerial and electroacoustic propagation.